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What is the Power of A.R.T?

What is the Power of A.R.T?

 The Arts College, Worthing

What is A.R.T? (Art Releases Thought) - unlocking limitations through art A.R.T is a gateway to a better life presented as an art class. Through the teaching and

observation techniques of the teachers, the student becomes aware of the things learned in their childhood that influence their current abilities and beliefs. The method is not to judge the past, because each individual is unique in their response to experiences; instead the process is present focused. The teacher help the student to see how those influences from the past are sabotaging their thinking pattern and emotional response. This insight will then manifest in improved self-esteem, confidence, risk-taking behaviour, identity and, ultimately, happiness.

Discover how

A.R.T is the study of

understanding how the mind grows, develops, adapts and evolves in its environment, using creative thinking and arts as a tool or form of expression.

The art is a distraction that allows the student to feel safe and begin to work through their emotions. When there is a struggle, it is handled through the art, through technical help. The student overcomes their frustration and becomes confident.

How does it work?

A.R.T works in several ways: balancing the brain, identifying blocks and hidden emotions, and giving the student technical skills which will help them with solution focused approaches to challenges and feel more confidence in both art and life.

The trained A.R.T teacher creates a calm, non

confrontational, even non therapeutic environment and allows the student to move through art projects, giving them the tools to feel confident. Meanwhile, the teacher watches for patterns and helps the student to identify, acknowledge and consider their significance.

The teacher is teaching step-by step methods for successful art, but also observing the student

for signs of brain hemisphere imbalance, subconscious stresses and unproductive routines. The teacher makes suggestions for

moving beyond any blocks the student has.

In our everyday lives, we engage heavily with the left brain. We feel that we have to be sensible and logical at all times to deal with the pressures of life. This includes things like going to work, paying bills, keeping a home, and sticking to a routine.

Because the left-brain is

overstimulated and overworked, we begin to feel tired, lost, and irritated as we ignore our right-brain functions. It creates an imbalance that can lead to significant stress and even depression.

Engaging in creative activities that require the left-brain and right-brain to work together will help bring balance back to your life. These creative activities can include things like dancing, listening to music, playing sports, painting, drawing, and more. You can use these activities to release stress and process difficult emotions while allowing yourself to be creative.

Creative activities need to engage both the right and left brain. Let's take the example of technical drawing or painting. Because this activity requires a step-by-step process and creative thinking, your right and left brain work together to create a finished product, a solution. This trains your brain to use both your left and right-brain when engaging with other challenges in life.

In the time that you spend with these activities, you may open up memory blocks that you weren’t aware of that can go all the way back to childhood. Processing through those memories and emotions will help you understand why you repeat routines or find yourself in the same difficult situations over and over again.

Speaking about these memories and past hurts can be difficult. You may want to shut down to avoid judgment or difficult emotions. But, processing them through art will help you feel more in control, safe, and confident.

Through art, you will use both sides of your brain to engage in factual thinking. You will be more open to explore, trigger memories and address pain with confidence.

When students create a

challenging art piece, they may feel unable to complete their piece at certain stages. This brings out emotions of frustration, fear, anxiety and/ or insecurity due to their lack of knowledge.

The student may feel that they cannot get what is in their mind onto paper. They may feel incapable of producing a dynamic piece of art, leaving them feeling demoralised and defeated.

The simple step-by-step

approach shows the teacher how the student’s brain works when they feel insecure. The teacher will understand how the student achieves goals and follows instructions as they complete their art piece. Then, the teacher will better understand how to offer support.

By nurturing growth through technical drawing and painting, teachers are training the

student's brain how to calm down and approach challenges one step at a time.

When the student finishes an art piece that they are proud of, they feel fulfilled and confident. They’ll be more willing to challenge themselves in other areas as well.

The process of growth continues as the student applies the step-by-step thought process to other aspects of their lives, subconsciously. With continued practice, they will be better equipped to handle emotional turmoil. They will gain insight to help them handle past, present, and future challenges with confidence in a healthy way.

A.R.T is a new area of study

- a tool for parents to learn how

their children’s brain grows as

well as develops emotionally

and socially in their home.

The Arts College in Worthing.

Call 01903 529 633

A.R.T reduces

stress quickly

A.R.T (Art Releases Thought)

Skills to help

your child

• See your child confident in themselves

• Skills to help your

child when they

are overwhelmed

• Toolkits to use without disrupting your routine or adding more to your plate

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